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How to Ask Your Sugar Daddy For Money: Top Rules And Tips

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Wondering how to ask your sugar daddy for money and how to tell a sugar daddy what you want? It’s a stressful thing to do, but there is nothing difficult here, actually. Here, we’ll tell you everything about how to ask for money, when to do it, and how much to ask for!

How much does the average sugar daddy pay?

It’s always about money when it comes to sugar relationships. Sugar daddies get what they want, and sugar babies get their allowance and gifts—and that’s the core idea of sugar dating. However, most sugar babies are terrified by the very thought of discussing the allowance with a sugar daddy. There’s nothing wrong with that, of course—this is quite a sensitive topic to discuss, especially if you are not a professional sugar baby who has been doing it for years. Here, we’ll explain how to ask sugar daddy for money and how to discuss allowance with sugar daddy—but first, let’s talk about how much do sugar daddies pay.

The numbers you’ve most likely seen are $3,000-$5,000/month in big cities—but unfortunately, this range is far from average, too. Read more about sugar baby allowance.

The real allowances

The problem is that all those lockdown measures and COVID-19 recession affected the sugar dating market, too. The classic “supply and demand” model can be applied to this market, too, and since 2020, the “demand” (the number of sugar babies) has constantly been increasing, while the “supply” (number of available sugar daddies) remains constant. It leads to a noticeable (and sad) decrease in the average allowance of a sugar baby—because the number of babies is increasing, and they have to lower their expectations to find a decent sugar daddy. 

Technically, this all didn’t begin in 2020—the average sugar baby allowance dropped from $75,000 to $61,000 from 2007 to 2013. In 2018, the average allowance was only $33,600. Extrapolate that to 2021, and you’ll understand what we’re talking about.

Your allowance depends on a few factors such as your age, your attractiveness, and your location (bigger budgets for bigger cities). And of course, it’s also very important to ask for money properly. 

Let’s talk about it in more detail.

How to ask a sugar daddy for money

First, you need to be confident and show your sugar daddy that you really appreciate him. We’ll talk about this later in more detail—first, check these four tips out:

  • Calculate the allowance you need. Yes, we have just said that there are a lot of factors that influence the allowance, but after all, it’s about your needs, not about those factors. Do you need $1,000? $2,000? $5,000, maybe? Determine the number range, get comfortable about it, and don’t agree if a sugar daddy wants to pay you less than that.
  • Build the connection first.
  • The only correct answer to the question “when should I ask my sugar daddy for money?” is: before clothes come off. “Money before honey” is one of the most important rules for sugar babies, and you need to learn it. 
  • Discuss the type of allowance. Do you want a regular allowance? Or PPM (Pay Per Meet) sounds better for you? 

Now we’d like to share some more details about the correct behavior while discussing the financial issue.

Be confident and direct

Sugar dating is all about being confident, actually. If you are confident, you’ll get what you want, but if you aren’t, you won’t get the money. Here are the three “don’ts” that will help you feel more confident when asking for money: 

  1. Do not compare the allowance you need with your self-worth
  2. Do not even think that you aren’t worth it
  3. Don’t compare yourself with other sugar babies

Being direct is extremely important, too—sugar daddies don’t like it when babies play games with them. So if you want to talk about money, be straightforward and talk about money, it’s simple. 

Sugar daddies enjoy pleasing babies who appreciate them

Look your best, say cute things, show that you’re interested, be genuine, please your sugar daddy, and be a good listener. That’s what makes a good sugar baby—and you must be a good sugar baby to make good money. 

What is the safest way to get money from a sugar daddy?

“How to ask for money from your sugar daddy?” isn’t the only question inexperienced sugar babies have. Another common question is: How to do it safely? 

The answer is cash. Cash is untraceable, cash can’t be charged back, and you don’t need to pay tax on cash gifts. The second best option is bank deposit—but you will have to give your SD your full name and your bank account number, so be careful with it. PayPal is quite ok, too—especially if your SD chooses the “friends or family” category (no chargebacks in this case).


If you have never done it before, here’s what we can say: practice makes perfect, and it’s not just words. If it’s your first sugar daddy, it’s natural that you worry about discussing the allowance—but everything will be much easier with your third or fourth SD. 

Bonnie Pearson
Sugar Dating Expert
Bonnie Pearson is the one who creates most guides that you can find on Sugar-lifestyle. Can you trust them? Bonnie knows firsthand how the sugar world actually works, and she’s ready to share her experience and thoughts with you. Most importantly, she was a member of different sugar communities and uses her knowledge to create the best website reviews for visitors of Sugar Lifestyle.