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How To Talk To a Sugar Momma On a Dating Site? Read To Find Out!

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If you want to understand how to talk to a sugar momma, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we’ll show you some useful examples of what to write and not in the first message to a sugar momma!

What to say in your first message to a sugar momma

How to text a sugar mummy? There are two main rules you need to follow:

  • Be positive. Sugar mommas sign up on dating websites to get some energy from young people, have some fun, and spend some good time there. Chatting with a pessimistic or an overly negative sugar baby is certainly not what these women need! 
  • Be specific. Mention anything from her profile — it’s extremely important. That’s how she’ll know you looked at her pictures and took some time to get to know her even before you started chatting. Don’t be generic — sugar mommas get a lot of generic messages every day.

Sugar momma first messages examples

sugar mummy with flowers

Let’s take a look at some examples of the first message to a sugar momma. We’ve collected both good and bad ones here! 

Great sugar momma first message examples 

  • Hi there, (name)! I can imagine you are feeling a bit overwhelmed with messages, this place is wild. It totally blew my mind when I started. I really like your profile and would love to learn more about you.
  • Love your picture on the beach! Where was that taken? It looks a lot like this beach I visited in (anywhere) last year!
  • That’s such a cute cat (if she has a cat in her photos)! What’s their name? I used to have a cat named (whatever), he (a short fun story)

Bad first conversation with sugar momma examples

  • “Hello” or “hey”. It’s you who needs to interest her, not vice versa!
  • Are your parents X? ‘Cause you are surely Y. — you can insert any stupid pick up line there, the result will always be the same. Sugar mommas are tired of these generic lines, so don’t be like all the other sugar babies on this site. 
  • How much is your allowance? — that’s probably the worst thing you can write. Yes, it’s important to discuss the allowance, but even escorts start with “hey babe”! 

What else should you avoid, according to our experience and to what real sugar mommas and daddies say? 

  • Introducing yourself with only a “Hello :)” 
  • Not spelling “you” properly. U’ve got the idea 
  • Not spelling the other words properly. Hey wyd? Nm, hbu? Forget about it when you’re chatting with mature sugar mommas, please.
  • Calling a sugar mommy baby or anything like that in the very first message
  • “Love” or “hon” are also a very common turn-off for many sugar daddies and mommas
  • Too many emojis (that’s not cute) 
  • Being too serious — after all, sugar mommas came to these websites to have some fun, so your sense of humor is extremely important 
  • Going sexual right away from the very first message


Remember: be positive and don’t be generic. As long as you follow these simple rules, you’ll attract any sugar momma on any dating site!

Bonnie Pearson
Sugar Dating Expert
Bonnie Pearson is the one who creates most guides that you can find on Sugar-lifestyle. Can you trust them? Bonnie knows firsthand how the sugar world actually works, and she’s ready to share her experience and thoughts with you. Most importantly, she was a member of different sugar communities and uses her knowledge to create the best website reviews for visitors of Sugar Lifestyle.